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Woodwardite (type locality) with glassy CuAl-Phosphate -

West Caradon Adit, Liskeard, Cornwall, Großbritannien


Light blue sintery Woodwardite over deep blue botryoidal, glassy Copper/Aluminum Phosphate, on contact schist matrix (Killas) with some Fluorite. Pretty specimen, found in August 1985. The West Caradon Mine is type locality for the rare copper/aluminum sulfate Woodwardite and so far the only locality of the new amorphous CuAl-Phosphate (cf. extraLapis No.57, 2019, p.129).

Woodwardite, CuAl Phosphate - West Caradon Adit, Cornwall, UK

SKU: SW-54
VAT Included |
  • Size

    3,2 cm x 2 cm x 0,8 cm

  • Locality

    West Caradon Adit, Liskeard, Cornwall, UK

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