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Hematite Iron Roses

Cava Lombardi, Lucendro-Pass, Gotthard region, Ticino, Switzerland


Highly lustrous Hematite Iron Roses to 1 cm with globular habit, forming a nice group (1.5 cm) on granite matrix. Associated is minor Rutile (on the Hematite), Muscovite tablets and light smoky Quartz. A very pretty and locally typical specimen from Cava Lombardi, the oldest and most famous Iron Rose site in the Alps (cf. LAPIS 2/2020, p. 30-35). Its specimens were often labelled as "Fibbia" or "Gotthard" in the past. Recovered in July 2020 from a hanging-wall vein on the Lombardi site, ex Stefan Weiß collection

Hematite iron rose - Lucendro Pass, Ticino, Switzerland

SKU: SW-101
VAT Included |
  • Size

    Specimen size 5.8 x 3.3 x 4.4 cm, Hematite Iron Roses to 1 cm

  • Locality

    Cava Lombardi, Lucendro Pass, Gotthard Area, Ticino, Switzerland

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