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Hematite Iron Rose

Cava Lombardi, Lucendro-Pass, Gotthard region, Ticino, Switzerland


Platy Hematite Iron Rose (1.9 cm) with little Rutile and Muscovite, intergrown with Adularia on aplitic granite breccia. Blocky Iron Rose habit, association with Rutile and the breccia matrix make this specimen absolutely typical for Cava Lombardi, the oldest and most famous Iron Rose site in the Alps (cf. LAPIS 2/2020, p. 30-35). Its specimens were often labelled as "Fibbia" or "Gotthard" in the past. Recovered in July 2019 from an Adularia vent in the roof portion of the basal vein, ex Stefan Weiß collection

Hematite iron rose - Lucendro Pass, Ticino, Switzerland

SKU: SW-100
VAT Included |
  • Size

    Specimen size 5 x 3.7 x 3.3 cm, Hematite Iron Rose 1,9 cm

  • Locality

    Cava Lombardi, Lucendro Pass, Gotthard Area, Ticino, Switzerland

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