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Fluorotremolite, vanadian

Campolungo, Leventina, Centovalli, Ticino, Switzerland


Flat prismatic fluorotremolite (7 mm on edge), coloured light green by vanadium, in sugary dolomite marble. A mineral classic from Ticino! EDX-analyzed specimen, found in October 2016 on the north side of the Venett Pass, ex Stefan Weiß collection. Strong green-yellow fluorescence in short-wave UV light!

Fluorotremolite - Campolungo, Leventina, Ticino, Switzerland

SKU: SW–123
VAT Included |
  • Size

    4.5 x 4 x 2.5 cm, crystal size 7 mm

  • Locality

    Campolungo, Leventina, Ticino, Switzerland 

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