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Fluorite – Riemvasmaak, Bosmanland, Northern Cape, Orange River, Upington, South Africa

Found 2005

Numerous sharp-edged, lustrous fluorites form this impressive showcase piece from South Africa. The high-quality, transparent to translucent crystals reach an edge length of up to 4.6 cm.

The typical intense green coloration of finds from Riemvasmaak is particularly pronounced on this fluorite.

Blue fluorescence under shortwave.

Special collection level with considerable size, excellent gloss and beautiful coloring.

Images under Artificial UV:

1: LW

2: KW

Fluorite – Riemvasmaak, Bosmanland, Orange River, South Africa

SKU: 24.05.25
VAT Included |
  • Size

    10cm x 9.9cm x 7.5cm

  • Locality

    Riemvasmaak, Bosmanland, Orange River, South Africa

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