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Fluorite, Quartz - Pit Beihilfe, Halsbrücke near Freiberg, Germany


Aesthetic specimen of purple fluorite on quartz from the Grube Beihilfe in Halsbrücke near Freiburg, Germany. The clearly dominant fluorite is 3.5 cm on the edge and has a thickness of 1.7 cm. It is partially coated with a second generation of clear fluorite and sits on a lawn of quartz. Size 8.5 cm x 5 cm.

Fluorite, Quartz- Pit Beihilfe, Halsbrücke, Germany

SKU: 2020.12.171  
VAT Included |
  • Size

    8,5 cm x 5 cm

  • Locality

    Grube Beihilfe, Halsbrücke near Freiberg, Germany

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