Quartz in Dauphiné habit, partly as "needle quartz" -
Claro, Val Riviera, Ticino, Switzerland
The front of this attractive cabinet specimen is densely covered with Dauphiné quartz of the first generation (up to 2.3 cm) and slender "needle quartz" of the second generation, the back consisting of recrystallised milky gangue quartz. The "float plate" is mostly undamaged, only some larger crystals are truncated by areas of accretion. Recovered in February 2020 from the base section of a metre-long fissure system near Dessi above Claro, with collection label by Stefan Weiß
Quartz (Dauphiné) - Claro, Val Riviera, Ticino, Switzerland
SKU: SW-23
15 cm x 10 cm x 5 cm, XX to 2.3 cm in length
Claro, Val Riviera, Ticino, Switzerland