Anhydrite quartz
Cava Lombardi, Lucendro-Pass, Gotthard region, Ticino, Switzerland
Drusy smoke-coloured milky Quartz vein portion with rectangular hollow forms of dissolved Anhydrite stems and needles up to 4.8 cm long. This "Anhydrite quartz" appears literally chopped and cut up by the countless inclusions of calcium sulphate that have been leached away! An interesting and unusual piece from Southern quartz/hematite vein in the upper portion of Cava Lombardi, the oldest and most famous Iron Rose site in the Alps (cf. LAPIS 2/2020, pp. 30-35). Recovered in August 2020, ex Stefan Weiß collection
Anhydrite quartz - Cava Lombardi, Lucendro Pass, Ticino, Switzerland
SKU: SW-118
Step size 6 x 3.5 x 3.2 cm, anhydrite hollow forms up to 4.8 cm in length
Cava Lombardi, Lucendro Pass, Gotthard Area, Ticino, Switzerland