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Alstonite as skalenoedric crystals -

Fallow Field Mine near Acomb, Alston Moor, Northumberland (formerly: Cumberland), Great Britain


Drusy gangue portion with numerous milk-white Alstonite scalenohedrons (1-2 mm long). Nice historic specimen from the type locality, from the exchange fund of the Bergakademie Freiberg/Saxony, with an original label of custodian Edelmann dating from the period 1920-1952. Ex Stefan Weiß collection

Alstonite - Fallow Field Mine, Acomb, Alston Moor, Northumberland, GB

VAT Included |
  • Size

    5 cm x 4 cm x 2 cm, XX to 2 mm

  • Locality

    Fallow Field Mine at Acomb, Alston Moor, Northumberland (formerly Cumberland), UK

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